Monday, October 20, 2008


When I was living in Tokyo there was a small jewellery and kanzashi store that I was totally in love with!

It was near where I was living and on the way to the train station so I used to look in it nearly evey time I walked by.

The store is called WARGO-NIPPON ( and all their jewellery and accessories are handmade and have a Japanese feel to them.
The whole year I was in Tokyo I had to prevent myself from purchasing anything as I new it would turn into an addiction, but during my last week I let myself go in and by a couple of things.

While I was there I was saving for a tattoo and I had wanted a Japanese sleeve with a carp swimming through hokusai waves but in the end it was just going to be too expensive. So for my birthday, the beautiful girls I was living with bought me this pendant.

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